Saturday, August 27, 2011

Closing notes from the EPA EJ Conference

More details later [this post will be expanded], brief recap from the EPA Environmental Justice conference's recap as of 27 August 2011:

The EPA conference has adjourned with discussion about the efficacy/inefficacy of human and civil rights legal entities--US, how its applicability is unclear for tribal nations, and recommendations to pursue international human rights jurisdiction as an alternative route since current US environmental health protections are insufficient.

The EPA is currently backlogged with 40 complaints

Title VI (on human/civil rights) has been deemed an outstanding potential resource, but is currently ineffective due to lack of enforcement/ enforcement capacity and conflicting systems between the US EPA and US Department of Justice.

Title VII (on civil rights to employment*) has also been deemed a potentially powerful tool--when afflicted communities contribute to becoming the leadership of major companies and organizations, it follows that closer consideration for human rights and sensitivity to environmental quality will be given (stated by Rhode Island environmental lawyer Stephen Fishbach).

Proof of direct causation for harm is a common legal misconception for those suffering health issues from environmental problems (response from the US Gulf of Mexico Enbridge/BP spill fund continue to use direct causation as a way to deny current claims.

Recap on the conference, and next step/future recommendations were also shared--neat idea from Brazillian delegate: Inform consumers about the products they use with an Environmental Justice label.

Potential locations for the next EPA EJ conference? Coal belt Appalachia, First Nations Territory(/ies), First Nation Territory in coal belt Appalachia, North Carolina. Satellite/web/television broadcasting
As an aside, pictures from Thursday's Science Cafe are coming soon too, thank you to everyone who supported the event in their presence or their works unseen!

*I'll have to look at my notes again from the rush transcript of the panel session for more details when I have freer time.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

An EPA afternoon: participatory community learning and education

First, there's still time to participate in the EPA's Environmental Justice Conference here in Detroit--it's free, they take walk-ins, and your participation is meaningful!  Go here to see where it's at and what's going on tomorrow:

This is a mix of summary and commentary on today's events from the afternoon EPA Federal work group session.  I participated in the community organization working group, and later attended the panel for "The Detroit Story".

Interesting news came out of the ongoing EPA Environmental Conference today. This afternoon we realized that people all over the U.S. are striving to organize, but there's a lot of organizational fragmentation.

[More after the page break]

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Plants to know and a cup of joe...our second science cafe!

Cardinal flower (Lobelia cardinalis)
is a native Michigan plant.

Its roots can grow to 8 feet!
Image compilation by Ian Tran,
coffee cup credit to Flickr user BallistikCoffeeBoy
Join us for a cup of bird-friendly coffee and discussion about the role of native plants in our communities!  

Ethical and legal concerns about landscaping? 

Find out from an individual who navigated them and made it happen in Dearborn Heights!

Curious about what plants can make a great habitat for many to enjoy? 

Let's further the dialog!

Thursday, August 25th 
6:00 pm
in room 116
UM-Dearborn Environmental Interpretive Center 
4901 Evergreen Road Dearborn, MI 48128

You're invited to join us for this informal discussion on native plants, landscaping, and our connection to it all to make a more vibrant ecosystemic and human community in the Southeast Michigan area via the landscapes we live with.

This science cafe features special guests, among them Steve Ray of the Dearborn Heights Watershed Commission, 
Martha Gruelle of the Stewardship Network, and of course: YOU!  Dearborn's Sustainability Coordinator and esteemed alum of UM-Dearborn David Norwood will also be joining us.

Also, we're hoping to serve Bird Friendly Coffee again, and will have fresh UM-Dearborn made honey.

Please RSVP to the Student Environmental Association at The University of Michigan-Dearborn here on our facebook event or at greenwolverines (at) ymail (dot) com so we can better plan the event.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

“UM-Dearborn Natural Area Appreciation” Questionnaire

Greetings, Friends and Lovers of the University of Michigan - Dearborn Natural Area!

My name is Sara Cole, long-time student staff member at the Environmental Interpretive Center, and I am reaching out to you on behalf of fellow students and staff who regularly use the Natural Area for educational programs and wish it to stay accessible as a place of learning far into the future. In order to do that, we need to hear from you. Our goal is to compile a great collection of feedback which attests to the UMD Natural Area's educational value to those who have participated in a program/class there. If the Rose Garden Pond and Natural Area mean something to you, we want to hear about it! 

It would be absolutely wonderful to get responses from the following people: 
  1. Students (and Alums) of Field Bio, etc.
  2. SEA Members
  3. Staff at the Environmental Interpretive Center  
    (current and past)
  4. K-12 students & the General Public
The deadline for responses is September 12 [edit: the deadline is tentatively extended to October 1st]. 
I'll send everyone reminder email next week, and an update in September.
Bonus: Select responses may be featured on the EIC website. . 

I look forward to hearing what the UMD Rose Garden Pond and Natural Area mean to all of you

Thank you,

Sara Cole 
EIC Staff/Student Naturalist (2008-present)
RRBO Volunteer Bird Bander (Fall 2010)
“What one does is what counts. Not what one had the intention of doing.”- Pablo Picasso
"Do or do not. There is no try." - Yoda

If you'd like to download the survey, here's the link:

###Survey begins here (click on the jump break)###