Sustainability Fest

Campus Sustainability Fest is planned for the week of October 17th-22nd to in tradition with previous years.

Full schedule of the 2011 events and event descriptions here:

We seek to meaningfully impart the ethos of sustainability, and empower all participants to discover how sustainability is relevant and significant to them in all aspects of life--social, economic, and environmental--through the discovery of its its history, theory, and praxis.  Events are open to the public.

Unfortunately HEASC/AASHE has moved the international campus sustainability day to the 26th, and the EverGreen Team has closed its relationship with the organization.

Campus Sustainability Fest 2010 was October 18th-23rd and was coordinated between the EverGreen Team, Students in Free Enterprise, and the Student Environmental Association/JGI Roots and Shoots group at the University of Michigan-Dearborn.

For information about events from Sustainability Fest 2009, please visit the October 2009 blog posts on SEA's blog.  Thank you to everyone who made it possible, we look forward to another enlightening and enriching experience!

E-mail: greenwolverines (at) ymail (dot) com

Events slated for 2010 included (as of 17 Oct. 2010):
    Day 1
    Mon, Oct 18th
    12-4pm UC Kochoff Hall
    Student Organization Fair- environmental issues (how to be more sustainable-need? solution?)

    • ·         Canned goods drive, papers from old classes recycling, and bottle/can drive kickoff (ALL WEEK)
    ·         Nature Tour at Environment Interpretive Center (ALL WEEK)

    ·         Activities/organic foods/prizes (ALL WEEK)

    ·         IAV Cars (from Engineering Bldg) (ALL WEEK)

    ·         Billboard Competition (Alumni vote on best student org topics: prizes for 1, 2, 3 place)

    Day 2 Energy/Reducing carbon footprint Day
    Tues, Oct 19th
    ·         Presenter Phil Rairigh from Ford in Engineering Bldg.

    •      The Civic Engagement Project's Community Action Summit

      ·         UC Kochoff Hall, Sustainable Purchasing on Campus, 50 mile meal Lunch and Learn-Hosted and presentation by Admissions, Facilities Planning and HR
      ·         Presenter Irene Dimitry, Director of Renewables from DTE Energy (FCS-Dining Room C)


    ·         Ford Cars Display

    ·         “Reimagining Detroit: Opportunities for Redefining an American City” (FCS Dining Room D)
    Day 3



    Time: TBA

    Campus/Community Sustainability Day

    ·         Socially Sustainable Music (University Center stage)
    ·         League of Wome Voters: Civic Efficacy through Local Government (room 1225 University Center)
    ·         Presenter/Activity Melissa Sargent from Local Motion Green Hazard Free Cleaning Products (COB-Dining Room C)

    ·         Presenter Lynna Kaucheck- Cleanwater Action

    ·         Scavenger hunt, Cornhole tournament

    ·         Dr. Mike Shriberg-Dearborn Sustainability Round Table III
    Day 4
    Thurs, Oct 21st
    8:30-11 am


    Time: TBA (Phi Chi Theta)
    Urban Farming Day

    ·         EIC room 119 Environmentally Responsible Operations in Health Care: Presenter Tom Paterson, UMHHC, Sponsored by
    A light breakfast will be provided
    Non-members $20.

    ·         Presenter/Activity Prof. David Susko (organic mushrooms)(FCS-Dining Room C)

    ·          Presenter-How to grow in eco-friendly garden (FCS-Dining Room C)

    Day 5
    Fri, Oct 22nd

    ·         Greening of Detroit  (10-20 volunteers)
    ·         Celebration/Dinner

    SEA's Wed. Oct. 20th event details
    • 10:00-11:00 am A Socially Sustainable Musical experience: Rziewski's Sheep of Panurge return! 
    The human and natural worlds are interconnected and inseparable. The environment and arts can literally communicate profound and provocative information; at the same time, they inspire appreciation and curiosity: the sense of wonder for creativity which surrounds us.
    Also, Discover themes of social sustainability through participation in this unique live musical
    performance--non-musicians are specifically invited to perform WITH the musicians in this
    fantastic piece by Frederic Rzewski called "The Sheep of Panurge".

    When: 11:00-12:00 am 
    Where: Room 1225 in Kochoff Hall of the University Center

    Find out how you can make a difference by taking action through local city and county government!
    • Dearborn Sustainability Round Table III: Education, Service, and Community Outreach
    When: 6:30-9:00 PM
    Where: Kochoff B University Center at the University of Michigan-Dearborn
    Sierra Club Cool Cities Dearborn, SEA, You!
    Focusing on educational institutional capacities for education, service, and community outreach.  Round robin individual and organizational introductions, plus a guest presentation from Dr. Micheal Shriberg of the Graham Sustainability Institute on the Talloires Declaration, a 10 point action plan for sustainability at Universities and how it can help guide these areas of action.    For information on previous round tables: Round Table I ;