To whom it may concern,
I've been working closely with the Dearborn Sierra Club Cool Cities Group to bring institutional, not-for-profit, corporate, academic, governmental, and community leaders together for comprehensive sustainability efforts in the Dearborn area.
We cordially invite you to join us for a moderated round table discussion in room 1225 of the University Center at the University of Michigan-Dearborn on Wednesday June 16th, 2010 from 6:00-8:00 pm.
This event is open to all, please RSVP to Mary Ann Baier: maturtle (at)
Come when you can, go when you must. If you believe this invitation may be suited for other individuals or organizations, please share it with them.
Our immediate objectives for this meeting is to increase sustainability awareness and foster informed coalition building and network development in the city. We hope attendees will have a clear understanding of the local groups currently at work, as well as the regional initiatives which may influence events happening within the Dearborn area.
Among our longer-term goals, we aim to organize interest in establishing a sustainability panel for the city and formalize the University of Michigan-Dearborn's task force to coordinate efforts in sustainability to increase meaningful impact locally and globally through the community.
Among our longer-term goals, we aim to organize interest in establishing a sustainability panel for the city and formalize the University of Michigan-Dearborn's task force to coordinate efforts in sustainability to increase meaningful impact locally and globally through the community.
Feel free to bring a dish to share (it's also a potluck for sustainability) as well.
Below is the agenda overview:
-Introduction and objectives
-Organizational introductions, activities, accomplishments, goals
-Local event opportunities
-Mingle, network, etc.
-Introduction and objectives
-Organizational introductions, activities, accomplishments, goals
-Local event opportunities
-Mingle, network, etc.
-Next steps and meeting closure
Thank you for your consideration and we look forward to meting you,
Ian D. Tran
President, The Student Environmental Association at The University of Michigan-Dearborn