Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sustainable Visions Art Exhibition Prospectus

FYI a Prospectus for the Sustainable Visions Art Exhibition has been created and mailed out to inquiring individuals. Contact greenwolverines(at) if you'd like to receive an electronic copy of the form.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Monday in Detail

Lots of events to kick off the week. Have questions about sustainability for Professor Lore, or maybe the Chancellor? Post them here! Even if you cannot attend, we'll be sure to find answers.

2009 Campus Sustainability Fest Overview and Events

Festival overview:
Topics of people, planet, and profit are everywhere you go. Find out how they’re relevant to your campus during Sustainability Fest 2009 Mon Oct. 19th-Fri Oct. 23rd at U of M-Dearborn. This year's theme is on "Sustainable Food Systems".

All events are OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Questions for Sustainability Fest?

Do you have questions about Sustainability Fest? We'll answer what we can and get to work with finding answers right away if we don't have them yet (answered to the best of our knowledge and ability).

Can't attend sustainability fest but want to share your thoughts with our speakers and guests? Post your questions here and we'll do our best to represent your comments and concerns at the event.

Who might you want to ask questions to? Here are some topics to consider and the people who we'll investigate with:

Sustainable food systems: Professor Lohr is presenting "The Environmental Crisis on Your Plate" Monday Oct. 19th at 7:30 pm in Kochoff Hall of the University Center.

What are some company philosophies for social, environmental, and economic responsibility?

Larry Crittenden of the U.S.Green Building Council and the many other "Triple Bottom Line" organizations will answer your questions at the panel discussion during the Sustainable Connections Career Expo Wednesday Oct. 21st from 1:30-4:00pm in Kochoff Hall of the University Center.

What the heck does art have to do with sustainability?

Ask any of the artists (including me!) who will be presenting their works Wednesday Oct. 21st from 12:00-3:00 at the Sustainable visions art exhibition, and at 4:00 you have the unique opportunity to experience social sustainability in-concert as performers regardless of your prior musical experience (even if you've had none). Check out Rzewski's "Sheep of Panurge" to see how you can participate: